
Pitching and Storytelling

Pitching and Storytelling

Surge is running a series of learning sessions designed for founders who are laying their company’s foundations and raising early-stage funding. Each session we’ll cover a different topic that is essential for early-stage founders’ company-building journey. “Great entrepreneurs can usually tell a story well” says Sir Mike Moritz at Sequoia Capital. Founders need to pitch their companies to several different stakeholders - investors, prospective employees, media, sometimes even their friends and family, and more. Drawing inspiration from well-known Hollywood movies, Pieter Kemps will share insights on how to hone your storytelling skills and craft an effective pitch. We want to keep this session interactive, so we are offering limited slots to startup founders only.

What you’ll get from this session:


  • What the structure of Hollywood films can teach you about brand storytelling
  • Crafting the right brand narrative: Five questions to keep in mind
  • How to think about pitching to your investors and ensuring you capture their attention
? When? 16 June 2021, 4.30 – 6.00 pm IST / 6.00 – 7.30 pm WIB / 7.00 – 8.30 pm SGT


? Where? Online (We all are #stayingathome)
Jun 16 2021
About the speakers
Pieter Kemps
I was born in a small village in the Netherlands, one of Europe’s tiniest countries. From an early age, I wanted to see more, learn more. In college, I asked my professor, “Where can I experience the biggest culture shock possible?” I had hitchhiked through France when I was 13, and played competitive table tennis throughout Europe when I was 16, but wanted more. When my prof answered “Japan”, I was in. I packed my bags a few months later and moved to Tokyo. The culture shock was real – and I loved it! Being surprised every day is insanely inspiring. Experiencing the unusual, the new, the outliers. I’ve continued to seek that out ever since. That’s why I love what I do. Every day, I meet new founders. Learn about new problems. New technologies, products, business models. And having moved to Singapore in 2005, I get to learn about so many markets and cultures. It is wonderful to be working closely with founders of 10 nationalities across eight different countries! Many of these are ‘emerging’ economies. With lots of change, ambiguity, chaos. But chaos breeds opportunity. And that’s where we play. Emerging trends. Emerging technologies. I enjoyed working on Day 1 of RFID, Day 1 of Voice over IP, and I joined Amazon Web Services on Day 1 in Asia, helping to drive the emerging Cloud trend across the region. And in Sequoia India & Southeast Asia, I get to partner with many emerging companies from Day 1.

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Pitching and Storytelling
